Educational disciplines


Еducational disciplines:

1. "The modern Russian"

2. "History of the Russian language"

3. "Russian dialectology"

4. "Introduction to Linguistics"

5. "General Linguistics"

6. "Slavic mythology"

7. "Introduction to Slavic philology"

8. "Old Church Slavonic language"

9. "Contemporary Polish"

10. "The Czech language"

11. "The style and speech"

12. "Rhetoric"

13. "Methods of teaching Russian language"

14. "Latin language"

15. "Cognitive Linguistics"

16. "Philosophy of Language"

17. "Russian as a foreign language"

18. "Foundations of Chinese Studies.


Discipline specialization 1-21 05 02 01 "Linguistics":

1. "Historical semasiology"

2. "The language of the Russian translations of the Bible. Vocabulary "

3. "Proto-Slavic language. Lexical system "

4. "Introduction to onomastics"

5. "Communication strategies and tactics."


Specialization disciplines 01 21 05 02 03 "Computational Linguistics":

1. "Introduction to Computer philology"

2. "Knowledge Engineering"

3. "Methods of automatic text processing"

4. "Corpus Linguistics"

5. "The formalization of the language in expert systems."


Teachers of the department successfully mastered the content of the new specialization - "Computational Linguistics". In September 2008, on the initiative of the department in the educational building № 1 was opened a class of computational linguistics, which regularly offer classes in the named specialization with students-philologists. Especially actively developing computer technology to a comprehensive analysis of language and text Professors E. Nichiporchik, NI Lapitskaya, assistants EF Asenchik, IG Gomonova, SN Boikova, A. Krohmalnik.

2011 Educational disciplines. Филологический факультет им. Ф. Скорины
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