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Количество просмотров материалов

Department of geology and geography fulfills a scope of works in the sector of tourism services:

-      development of the concept of a new tourist product;

-      drawing up the scheme of tourist routes;

-      drafting and production of tourist projects;

-      formation of the tour program;

-      compilation of tourist passports of the route objects;

-      preparation of detailed technical description of the route, technological map;

-      selection and compilation of cartographic material;

-      compilation of estimates, determination of the price of tourist products and revenues from its sales;

-      development of models of souvenirs, booklets;

-      providing tour guide services.

 Technological map of the route “Orthodox wooden architecture of Gomel and the suburbs”

Passport of the project objects “Orthodox wooden architecture of Gomel region”


Alexander Pavlovsky,


Head of the Department of geology and geography
Candidate of geography, docent,


tel. +(375 232) 60-74-82, fax +(375 232) 60-30-02


e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. , http:// geography.gsu.by





Русская версия

50 выпусков геологов ГГУ