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 Specialists of the Department of geology and geography, having years of experience, do the following types of works:

      • Determination of the causes of the engineering structures deformation (industrial, civil and multi-storey and building of farmstead type, linear roads and railways, pipelines of any purpose, power lines, ponds, reservoirs, etc.
      • Substantiation and organization of a network of local monitoring of underground and surface waters of industrial and agricultural facilities, including on the territories of industrial and domestic waste disposal.
      • Implementation of work on pumping and sampling when conducting local monitoring of groundwater and surface water.
      • Methodological guidance and support of local monitoring of groundwater and surface water.
      • Environmental impact assessment of projected and functioning economic activities.
      • Compilation of research reports, expert opinions, justifications and recommendations based on research data.
      • Vertical electrical sounding, electroprofile, natural current method using “ERA-MAX” electrical exploration complex.
      • Distribution of the upper part of the geological section by electrical properties.
      •  Identification of zones of increased corrosive activity of soils.
      •  Detection of zones of pollution of rocks of various types by pollutants (oil products, etc.)
      • Determination of places and depths of contour laying/earth ground.

Alexander Pavlovsky,

Head of the Department of geology and geography,

Candidate of geographic sciences, Docent 

tel. +(375 232) 60-74-82, fax +(375 232) 60-30-02,

e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. , http:// geography.gsu.by

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50 выпусков геологов ГГУ