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Nina V. Godunova

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography

Gomel State University of Francisk Skorina



Geographer, Gomel State University of Francisk Skorina, 2007



Geography teacher at school, 2007-2012

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Gomel State University of Francisk Skorina, 2012 – present

Nina Godunova is an active contributor to the academic, research and educational side of the department. During her work with the department she has developed various courses of lectures and workshops. Similarly, Nina Godunova has created electronic versionsof lecturesfor the courses such as, "Physical Geography of continents", "Paleogeography". She also leads academic, teaching, pre-graduation and industrial workshops, courseworks and dissertations, and takes an active part in the national and local intra university conferences.



Geography, pedagogy



Godunova NV Prevention of adolescent involvement in nontraditional and destructive religious organization / ideological and moral and spiritual self-development of students and student molodezhi- Gomel GSU im.F. Scorina,  2012;

Godunova NV The social consequences of the involvement of students in religious organizations destructive orientation / Christian humanism  and its traditions in the Slavic culture - Gomel GSU im.F. Scorina, 2013;

Godunova NV The problem of waste as a socio-economic problem of nature / Topical issues of Earth Sciences in the concept of sustainable development in Belarus - Gomel GSU im.F. Skoriny, 2014;

Godunova NV Application of media at studying of disciplines geographic cycle / Topical issues of scientific-methodical and educational and organizational work: training in the context of current trends in higher education. - Gomel GSU Izd.tsentr them. F.Skorina, 2014;

Godunova NV, Deriugin AA, Deriugina TN Reducing the negative impact of landfills on groundwater / Nature: state and development prospects – Minsk: StroyMediaProekt, 2014;

Godunova NV, Godunov AN Improvement of national environmental legislation as one of the parties to ensure environmental safety / environmental issues and environmental safety – Minsk: Command and Engineering Institute of the MOE, 2014.

50 выпусков геологов ГГУ