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![]() ![]() The history of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University can be traced back to 1929, the year when Gomel Agricultural Pedagogic Institution was established by the resolution of Central Electoral Committee of Belarusian Soviet Socialistic Republic (BSSR). According to this resolution, the Board of Public Commissariat of Education of BSSR on March 7, 1930 decided on the profiling of Gomel Institution on three directions, that is social and historic, literature and linguistic, physical and technical directions. Up to 1933 the training of school teachers (2-years of study school) was organized on the basis of the Institution. In 1933 the Institution was transferred into 3-years study pedagogic institution. In a year the Institution was reorganized into Higher Education Institution with 4-years study curriculum which presupposed the training of teachers of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Natural History. On March 5, 1939 by the decision of Presidium of Supreme Council of BSSR the Institution was named after famous pilot V.P. Chkalov.
During the years of its existence the Institution turned out about 13000 highly qualified specialists of various spheres of national economy, the considerable results were achieved in the sphere of science. The Resolution ¹ 93 of Central Committee of Communistic Party of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of BSSR (dated March 14, 1969) on the transformation of Gomel Pedagogic Institution into Gomel State University (the second Belarusian higher education institution of such a high rank) can be considered as a high recognition of the Institution staff activities. By the resolution of Council of Ministers of BSSR dated November 29, 1988 for its achievements in studying, research and enlightening activities in the sphere of cultural heritage of Belarusian people the University was named after Francisk Skorina, Eastern Slavic and Belarusian printing pioneer. At present Francisk Skorina Gomel State University is one of the largest scientific research and studying center which has righteously received the recognition of national and international scientific society. The oldest higher education institution of the region has become real intellectual and cultural center of Belarusian Polessye. The scientific potential of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University is considerable. The total number of staff members is 1458, among them there are 678 academic teaching staff members (without combining of job). Among the academic teaching staff there are 41 doctors, 32 professors, 249 candidates of sciences, 205 associate professors. Among the doctors of sciences there are 4 correspondent members of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (A.V. Rogachev, A.N. Serdykov, G.G.Goncharenko, V.F. Baginskij). Post-graduate courses (51 specialities) and doctoral courses (5 specialities) represent labour potential for academic and teaching staff members. Master`s programmes have become available since 2004. There are 4 councils on thesis defence on 5 specialities, including a doctoral one. The main forms of scientific research activities of GSU are as follow: implementation of fundamental, applied and commercial agreement scientific research activities; organization and holding of scientific conferences and seminars; training of staff members of high scientific qualification; organization and supervising of student science; exhibiting and informational activities on propaganda of scientific achievements via mass media; invention and rationalization activities; edition of scientific literature (publication of monographs, articles, theses, journals, collected scientific works). Fundamental, research and applied activities on 14 main directions, established by the resolution of Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (dated March 2, 2016) are held at the University. The abovementioned activities correspond to the profile of the turned out specialists, they are also formed on the basis of List of priority directions of fundamental and applied scientific researches of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 years established by the Resolution ¹ 166 of the President of the Republic of Belarus (dated April 22, 2015). In 2011 the University obtained accreditation of scientific organization in State committee on science and technologies of the Republic of Belarus and National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (certificate on accreditation of scientific organization ¹ 7 dated April 20, 2011). The University comprises two scientific research institutes: institute of history of culture of eastern Slavic people (since 2002) and institute of physics and chemistry (since 2016). The center of collective usage on ecological monitoring and study of stuffs structure and properties (the center of collective usage «Isomer») has functioned since 2006 and it comprises four scientific research laboratories: «Physicochemistry and Technologies of Micro- and Nanosized Systems»; «Physics and Chemistry of Polymers»; «Monitoring of Ecosystems» and «Mass-Spectrometrical Analysis». The center of collective usage is well-equipped with unique scientific devices, highly qualified specialists work with this equipment and conduct scientific researches. Besides the center of collective usage, 14 scientific research laboratories, engaged in scientific researches in various spheres of knowledge (including International Chinese-Belarusian Scientific Laboratory on Vacuum-Plasma Technologies) function at the University.
In 2015 167 themes (112 sponsored and 45 non-sponsored, that is, implemented during the second half of the working day of academic teaching staff members on the main position), including 63 tasks of State Programmes of Scientific Researches, 3 tasks of State Scientific and Technical Programmes, 31 grants of Belarusian Republican Fund of Fundamental Researches and 15 commercial agreement themes were implemented on demands of Belarusian enterprises and organizations, as well as on ones of neighbouring and far-abroad countries. In 2015 the total amount of scientific research activities and services was 9480,34 million roubles (funds of Ministry of Education made up 5654,6 million roubles; funds of republican budget of other customers made up 1887,55 million roubles; economic agreements made up 693,19 million roubles; rendering of services made up 1245,0 million roubles). The University has achieved great results in the sphere of international cooperation. During the last five years the significant increase in the quality of international activities, as well as its recognition abroad were observed. Science intensive advanced technological products of the University are not only used by national enterprises and organizations, but are also exported abroad. The acquisition of author`s certificates and patents, as well as the acquisition of medals and diploma at prestigious international exhibitions, is considered as the recognition of originality and novelty of samples of new techniques and technologies obtained by the University researchers. For example, in 2015 33 University units were presented at 15 various exhibitions both in Belarus and abroad. The University has established close cooperation on the implementation of scientific research activities with Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, China, Korea, Finland, Switzerland, etc. The ties with academic and scientific world centers on the implementation of scientific research activities extend constantly. 20 issues of scientific research activities were implemented within the framework of international cooperation in 2015. The effectiveness of scientific researches is maintained at a high level. For example, in 2015 27 monographs, 4 textbooks with the signature stamp of the Ministry of Education and other departments, 51 collected articles, 2065 journal articles and collections of research studies were published (among it 288 articles were published in journals of far-abroad countries). The major part of the publications constitute the ones of Higher Attestation Commission (294) and the ones with impact-factor and Philadelphian list (41). In 2015 the outputs of 87 university elaborations were used in educational process. 12 patents were obtained. 2 scientific journals are published at the University: «News of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University» with the periodicity of 6 issues per year and «Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Techniques» with the periodicity of 4 issues per year. These two journals are included in the Higher Attestation Commission list for the publication of materials of dissertation researches, they are also part of All-Russian mathematical portal Math-Net.Ru and Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU. The activities aimed at the publication of journal «Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Techniques» in English are carried out. The collection of scientific works of students and post-graduates titled «Production activities of the young ones» is published annually. In 2015 it was published in 3 parts. The leading role of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University in the development of researches can be observed in the organization and holding of international, republican and regional scientific conferences. In 2015 the University was the initiator and organizer of 29 scientific conferences, including 13 student ones. Such events as «Days of student`s science» were held in March-April 2015. All the faculties participated in these events, that is, conferences were held at the departments and faculties. On the basis of the conferences results the collection of theses of the most interesting student`s, master`s and post-graduate`s reports was published in 2 parts.
The following statistics indicates the level of scientific research student`s activities held at the University: in 2015 2177 student`s reports were presented on the conferences of different levels, 2062 scientific works were published as well. Also in 2015 there were 140 scientific works and items of students (winners of the contests and exhibitions of different levels). In 2015 the Republican contest on the best student`s scientific paper work on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences works was held. 145 reports were presented by our students. On the basis of the contest results 4 authors were awarded the title of «Laureate of Republican contest of scientific student`s paper works in 2015». 24 paper works were awarded the diploma of first category, 75 – the diploma of second category and 28 paper works – of the third category. 14 paper works were not awarded any category. At present 42 student`s creative units function at the University. The main goal is to improve the training of highly qualified specialists (the ones who possess knowledge of the latest achievements in science and techniques, as well as the set of skills and methods of scientific researches). The international cooperation of educational institution «Francisk Skorina Gomel State University» is realized through the establishment of contacts and signing of agreements with foreign partners, as well as through the implementation of joint projects and programmes, participation in international conferences, organization and holding of international events with the participation of specialists from foreign countries. At present 135 cooperation agreements with foreign educational and scientific institutions from 30 countries are valid. Among them: 60 agreements with far-abroad countries (China, Islamic Republic of Iran, Hungary, Vietnam, India, Germany, Sweden, Finland, France, the USA, Japan, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Spain, Korea, Taiwan) and 75 agreements with neighbouring countries (Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan). All the agreements were signed on the non-currency basis. This procedure presupposes mutual assistance in scientific researches and specialists training, as well as students` mobility and exchange of scientific information. At present the cabinet of Chinese studies which was opened in June, 2006 with the assistance of Embassy of PRC in the Republic of Belarus functions at the University. The lectures are given by the Chinese teachers with the assistance of Embassy of PRC in the Republic of Belarus within the framework of the Agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and State chancellery of China on the international dissemination of Chinese language. The Center of Russian Language studies opened with the assistance of Embassy of Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus functions at the Faculty of Philology. Since 2006 the University has become the part of Association «Inter-Academia». The Association is the international organization which comprises 7 universities (Japan, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Romania and Belarus). In September, 2013 the decision on establishment of Confucius Cabinet of the Republican Institute of Chinese studies named after Confucius (BSU) was taken. The Cabinet was opened in February, 2016. The university is engaged in the implementation of international projects. In January 2013 the project TEMPUS «MOdernisation et DEvelopment de cours Professionalises» (MODEP), ETF-JP-00408-2008 was successfully implemented, the coordinator was the University of Ouvergne-Clermont I (France).
In January 2015 the project TEMPUS «Teacher Education and Training in Tourism in Belarus» («TETVET») was successfully implemented, the coordinator was the University of Paderborn (Germany). At present the university is engaged in three TEMPUS projects:
The university was engaged as an associated partner in the project of scholarship programme Erasmus Mundus IANUS II «Inter-Academia Network IANUS II». The coordinator was Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Romania). The University is also engaged in two international scholarship mobility programmes Erasmus+. At present 569 citizens from far-abroad and neighbouring countries are studying at the university (citizens of China, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Tadjikistan, Kyrgyzstan). The intention to study thoroughly and to preserve the originality and uniqueness of Slavic culture for further generations, as well as the intention to contribute to the spiritual unity of fraternal Slavic people – Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian – inspired the researches of Francisk Skorina Gomel State University to suggest the establishment of International association «Institution of Slavic studies» as the type of cooperation of higher education institutions and scientific institutions of boarder countries – Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The relevance and necessity of establishment of this association is determined by the following points: first, the unique materialistic and spiritual culture of this eastern Slavic region has not been studied yet enough; second, many ethnological and cultural elements, such as historical monuments, items of traditional folk craft, decorative and applied arts, customs and ceremonies, products of folklore, dialectal titles gradually vanish because of resettlement of the majority of population from Chernobyl zone of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine; third, the values of folk materialistic culture gradually vanish in the course of time and because of the process of generation, as the young do not sufficiently possess cultural heritage and folk traditions. The ones who aspire to receive higher education are always welcome in our University. | ||
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