
The Regional Marketing Centre
Establishment of Education
"Gomel State University named Francisk Scorina"

The Technology of Ionic-beam Processing High-alloy matrixes of High Pressure Devices


The technology and industrial equipment for matrixes hardening of high pressure devices in low-energy argon plasma with simultaneous drawing of a diamondlike covering have been worked out.

The developed technology allows creating high-alloy details with the combined properties, distinguished by the raised hardness of surfaces, structure perfection of a superficial layer, the controllable carbide maintenance in a superficial layer, superficial pores and micro cracks absence, and, as the consequence, the raised operational stability.

It can be applied at the enterprises producing hardboard materials at high pressures and temperatures simultaneous influence.

§                      Advantages: the charge of a firm alloy has been decreased at 16 %


Technical Characteristics of Industrial Equipment


Operation Stability, Press- Weighting Average Quantity


Hard Alloy Charge, kg/1000¬carat


Matrix Working Surface Microhardness, ÌÏà


Details Processing Time, minutes


Matrixes Productivity in a shift


Matrixes Operation Stability  in correlation to raw, %



The working out and delivery of the process equipment, technologies transfer on onerous basis, scientific-research and development work under contracts is offered.



Interfaculty research laboratory “New materials and technologies”
Developer: Nikitjuk Yury
Tel.(+375 232) 57 65 57, fax (+375 232) 57 65 57


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